Why these five housing fixes?
Forever Affordable Homes has direct experience on workable on-going affordable housing solutions for Aotearoa. We draw on this mahi to outline 5 key fixes needed NOW for this to be deliverable.
Key strategy to fix housing #5
Where planning changes provide increased density (and profit) a portion must be ring-fenced for permanently affordable housing. If we don't value capture the nationwide upzoning, we are are giving away the biggest opportunity to create affordable housing in a lifetime!
Key strategy to fix housing #4
With hundreds of successful examples the world over, Community Land Trusts are a proven way to ensure housing stays affordable forever. An overdue part solution for Aotearoa’s housing catastrophe.
Key strategy to fix housing #3
Our third housing catastrophe fix is to urgently change the Cooperative Companies Act to provide for Residential Cooperatives. This will enable many self-determining community development projects to proceed with greater certainty and reduced cost.
Key strategy to fix housing #2
Our mahi has led us to identify five key strategies needed in Aotearoa to fix housing. The second is to already use the existing underwriting processes in place by Government but applied to the emerging collective housing sector. This will leverage additional investment.
Key strategy to fix housing #1
We identify five key strategies needed in Aotearoa to fix housing. The first is to enable the emerging collective housing sector by providing financial and legal support to its representative body.
Could Fonterra’s business model solve the housing crisis?
Cooperative housing could be a big part of the solution to our affordable housing problem, if government and the business community are ready to get on board.
Your questions answered
We address the questions you have been asking across an array of forums, predominately in context to the Auckland case study.
Why I want a Forever Affordable Home.
Living in expensive, unhealthy rentals while house prices skyrocket is demoralising as a young kiwi. The quarter acre dream feels out of reach. A Forever Affordable Home could be a solution for trapped renters like me.
Homes with benefits
Are you and your home in a boring, stale relationship? Want a home that gives you something more than just a roof over your head? Try collective housing! Housing not only is great for the individual but there are also wider community benefits.
More spice, less vanilla housing options, please.
An Auckland case study details how a forever affordable housing development could house many who are economically trapped.
The approach suggests a flavour filled mix of two models which does not yet exist for Aucklanders.
The ‘gateway drug’ to Affordable Housing and why it needs to be our nation's new addiction.
Can we expect all available options and proven solutions to to our housing crisis to be progressed in next weeks announcement by the NZ Government?
How can we shape the future of affordable housing, NZ?
The NZ Government is considering our housing future for decades to come. Forever Affordable Homes has made a submission to the Housing and Urban Development led policy document. Our key aim is to enable more forever affordable housing for NZ. The well known kiwibuild program is an important affordable home buying option but we need more forever affordable home options.